The Broward College Health Sciences Simulation Center (HSSC), located in Davie, Florida, USA, is a state-of-the-art educational facility that models a hospital setting. 它旨在为学生提供一个安全的学习环境,让他们将对理论的理解转化为实践. HSSC为学生提供了在现实模拟中练习的机会, the development of decision-making skills, the reduction of errors, and the improvement of communication and teamwork.

HSSC的目标是提供医疗情境和场景,帮助医疗保健专业的学生通过沉浸式模拟体验掌握他们的技能. The HSSC is operated by Dr. Lilia Chavarria, District Director, Broward College.

As the largest provider of higher education programs in Broward County, 澳门英皇赌登入致力于培养和实现所有学生的成功. 该学院因其对学生成功和公平的学生成果的杰出承诺,连续三次被阿斯彭研究所评为全国十大卓越社区学院之一.


The HSSC provides quality, interprofessional, experiential learning, utilizing innovative curriculum, comprehensive clinical preparation, 在技术先进的设施中进行现代协作医疗模拟实践.


培养具有批判性思维的跨学科小组,重视患者安全文化,同时发展各种健康科学学科的模拟领导者. 采用以团队为基础的方法开展和合作教育研究活动,重点关注患者安全和沟通方面的进展.


为参与者创造一个安全的学习和建设性的汇报环境, 在整个演习过程中,对临床和人际层面上发生的事情严格保密,营造了一个心理上安全的环境.

Facility Overview 

Our 66,000-square-foot, high-tech HSSC occupies the first and second floors. 该中心仿照急症护理医院,设有救护车区,提供紧急运输区, medical evaluation, and intake areas. 救护车区设有一辆正在工作的救护车,学生们可以在这里把病人送到急诊室的分诊室接受治疗,或者把病人送入九个独立的医院或诊所类型的房间.

Rooms include:

  • Medical Surgical
  • Critical Care
  • Radiology
  • Emergency
  • Operating
  • Cardiac/trauma medical gases, e.g., oxygen, compressed air, and suction

Facility features:

  • Elevated Control Room with viewing window into four hospital rooms
  • Control Center with audio/video recording room; live patient voice interaction; overhead paging, i.e., "code blue"
  • 在医疗手术室和分娩套房之间的天花板上折叠的天墙
  • 有多名遇难者的灾害演习空间灵活性,便于观察和治疗
  • Hospital unit with utility rooms
  • Bio-Medical room—mannequin repair, equipment safety checks
  • Central Supply room for supply storage

HSSC在一楼设有一个大型礼堂空间,可容纳109个座位. It can host a variety of events from conferences, and live simulations on the front stage to broadcasting webinars, or showing films with surround sound.

Anatomage Table

澳门英皇赌登入医疗模拟中心继续努力将尖端技术带给澳门英皇赌登入的学生. 澳门英皇赌登入很自豪地宣布,学院已获得解剖成像解剖表为学生学习准确的真实解剖人体结构. 解剖表是技术最先进的三维解剖可视化和虚拟解剖工具的解剖和生理教育. HSSC已经集成了这个强大的学习工具,加强了模拟和训练.

anatomage table


澳门英皇赌登入最先进的人体模型家庭模拟器都非常像人类,会眨眼睛, chest movement, heart and lung sounds, blood pressure, pulses, and a computerized EKG tracing.

The HSSC is proud to have the latest in advanced learning simulators, Victoria® S220, an Obstetric MR, or mixed reality training mannequin. This brings digital learning content into the physical simulation exercise, 允许参与者通过全新的实践培训体验将知识和技能联系起来. 未来的分娩模拟已经来到了模拟中心.

Laerdal- sonosim超声解决方案集成到Laerdal患者模拟器平台中, starting with the SimMan family and SimMom. 诊断超声包括真实超声病例与病理结果全尺寸模拟. 超声是一种安全、便携、无创的获取临床相关信息的方法.

心血管套房有三个哈维心肺模拟器,训练学生的床边心血管评估技能. It:

  • 训练学生识别和描述正常和不正常的心肺音
    • 学生将学习30多种不同的异常心音,这些异常心音在真实的医院环境中很难发现
  • 配有创新的音响系统,由发射器和听诊器组成
  • Accommodates small or large groups of students

Mannequin Simulators and Task Trainers

Virtual Simulation Training

在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,许多医学教育工作者面临着替代临床时间或为学生寻找有效的替代在线学习活动的挑战. 澳门英皇赌登入提供以学生为导向的虚拟临床模拟和场景,允许学生在线学习,填补目前医疗保健教育的空白.

Student Directed Virtual Simulations:

  • 提高评估和决策能力,同时逐步增加挑战.
  • 通过将在线护理和医疗场景整合到相关课程和课程中,提供一个在线护理和医疗场景组合.
  • 通过远程向学生和医疗保健专业人员提供即时知识,提供先进的技术和数字解决方案.

这一创新的教学资源系列为使用Zoom的一系列内容领域提供了解决方案. Scenarios commonly used in foundations, emergency room, med surg, pediatrics, psychiatry, capstone courses, obstetrics, radiology, OR and trauma can be integrated into related course and curricula.

Students utilize critical thinking and judgment with instant debriefing, 在这种偏远的环境中,哪种方法可以为学生提供额外的心理安全. They also master acuity assessment, communication skills, care prioritization, and patient management and delegation. 澳门英皇赌登入的预构建场景完全可以通过更改其中的任何参数来定制,甚至可以创建自己的参数. 


nursing students



simulation lab


of students felt that the learning environment was safe and effective.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Lilia Chavarria, EdD, CHSE, RT (R) (CT) (MR), CSBI 
District Director

Dr. 查瓦里亚是澳门英皇赌登入的终身教授,曾担任放射学项目主任. 她拥有组织领导博士学位,重点是医疗保健管理, a master’s degree in Health Sciences, and a bachelor’s degree in Radiologic Sciences. Dr. 查瓦里亚曾在医院和门诊部从事不同的工作,如放射照相, Interventional Imaging, 并在南佛罗里达的几家医院担任了14年的临床讲师.

Barbara Genader

Simulation Specialist

Prior to becoming a simulation specialist for Broward College, Ms. Genader served as faculty member with the Radiography program for 25 years. Throughout her career, she has worked as an Interventional and Cath Lab technologist, Orthopedics and Radiography technologist. 她持有学院和大学教育工作者协会和美国教育委员会颁发的有效大学教学证书. At the Simulation Center, Ms. Genader喜欢将模塑应用于各种模拟,更好的是,灾难场景. 她还承担了家庭暴力等场景的标准化患者(SP)的角色, human trafficking, BPPV and stroke.

Carolina Hoyos

Simulation Specialist

Mrs. Hoyos is a registered nurse and Broward College nursing alumni. 毕业后,她在下行重症监护室和手术室工作. 她拥有NIH卒中,PeriOp 101和ONS化疗免疫治疗的认证.  At the Simulation Center, Mrs. Hoyos enjoys working with the nursing students in simulations, 作为一名校友和医院的护士,练习技能,给他们洞察力.

Certifications and Accreditations

SSH (Society for Simulation in Healthcare)

Broward College is an SSH Accredited Program in the areas of teaching/education. SSH认证是对您的医疗保健模拟计划进行同行评审的定制评估. SSH is the largest healthcare simulation accrediting body in the world.

Dr. Chavarria是一名认证的医疗保健模拟教育家®(CHSE®),目前担任该协会的副主席, the Patient Safety, 医疗保健模拟学会(SSH)与仿真协作亲和组.

Phone: 866-730-6127


  • Mailing Address
    3501 Davie Rd
    Davie, FL 33314
  • Telephone
  • Email
    Dr. Lilia Chavarria, HSCC District Director, EdD, CHSE, RT (R) (CT) (MR), CSBI

Broward College Professors

To schedule a simulation with your class please fill out the Simulation Event Request form.

Contact Us

Hours Of Operations

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Evening and weekend hours by appointment only.

Note: Due to COVID-19, hours of operation are subject to change.

HSSC Contact

Dr. Lilia Chavarria, District Director, Health Sciences Simulation Center

BCEDuventures Contact

David Rigby, Senior Director, Business Development

Filming requests require ten business day lead time, a deposit, and a contract are required for a reservation.


A. Hugh Adams Central Campus
Building 1008 (west side of campus)
3501 Davie Road
Davie, FL 33314

Parking is available in the parking garage across from the Sim Center.

Social Media

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